Project​ Governance

Since the project's inception, our collective aim has been to harness the experiences, knowledge, and skills of farmers, communities, traditional leaders and local stakeholders. To translate this vision into reality, we established a robust project governance structure, illustrated below.

The project governance structure encompasses a diverse range of stakeholders, each playing a vital role in supporting and empowering each other and the communities driving the project forward. Community priorities, needs, and recommendations predominantly flow through the Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP).
The MSP serves as a forum for dialogue, problem-solving, and collaboration. It comprises farmers, traditional chiefs, public officials, and various stakeholders. Facilitated by the Nature and Development Foundation (NDF), a project partner, the MSP is currently chaired by Honourable Anthony, an agroforestry farmer and district assemblyman. 
The MSP convenes at least four times a year. To date, over 300 participants have actively engaged in the MSP meetings, shaping the project's trajectory. Find the MSP reports below: 

MSP Reports